Friday, March 17, 2006

hangover cure

scrambled eggs and The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio. this is a relentlessly depressing movie - a true story about a woman with 10 kids and a drunk husband who resents her ability to provide temporary relief from their abject poverty by writing simpering jingles for household products and collecting prizes. particularly bad scenes included: after being humiliated by the milk man, mother is pushed to the ground by drunk father, cutting open her hands. after a neighbor takes her to the hospital, father wistfully watches a pool of milk and blood draining through the floorboard. after mother wins a shopping spree and treats her family to the most exotic food she can find (capers and artichoke hearts), father throws half the food out the side door. in her one defiant moment, mother throws red jello with marshmallows on father and refuses to let daughter get him a towel. despite stars Julianne Moore and Woody Harrelson and a brief appearance by the always-brilliant-but-under-used Laura Dern, if I weren't feeling somewhat braindead, I would have had a lot more trouble getting through this one. other viewing highlights of the week have been episodes from Angel Season 1, Battlestar Galactica Season 1 and, finally, The Sopranos.


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