I really thought I would like this movie, but I suffered from my chronic problem with these kind of tricky films - I didn't get it. actually, that's not quite right. I think it's safe to say that there are two big reveals (secrets/tricks) in this movie - one was really obvious, so I thought it was very lame that even I could figure it out, and the other one didn't make any sense to me until it was explained later, so I didn't get much out of the already hideously over-dramatic final scene. I like Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, but didn't find either of them overly impressive here. Michael Caine played one of his stock characters and Piper Perabo and Scarlett Johansson were both pretty but not much else. I'm a big fan of Christopher Nolan's, epsecially Following and Memento, so I'm not too thrilled by the recent turn of his career, but I'll definitely keep watching his movies. other weekend adventures included: being doggedly pursued by swarms of mosquitos in Campaleche Forest, being buried in the sand by a massive wave at Tortuguera beach, riding bikes through the trails at Pinones and eating at a biker joint overlooking the sea.