the bucket list
I can't remember the last time before this that I actually cried during a movie. shmaltzy, yes, but also a sweet love story about an aging interracial gay couple. you can't beat that.
movie musings for the universe
I can't remember the last time before this that I actually cried during a movie. shmaltzy, yes, but also a sweet love story about an aging interracial gay couple. you can't beat that.
this movie is very cute and moves quickly, although I got bored in the fight scenes, as always. it's formulaic and predictable but still a good yarn. and I liked Jack Black better in this than in Be Kind Rewind.
this movie strikes a nice balance between comedy and real family issues. Cedric pretty much steals the show and Mike Epps is funny as always. of course it's predictable and cliched, but it's also funny and familiar. thumbs up.
by most critics' accounts, this film should have won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film, but it is so claustrophic, intense, and quietly devastating, I can see why it wasn't even nominated - people don't enjoy watching this kind of movie. it's also got really disgusting medical stuff in it. don't get me wrong, it was excellent, but definitely hard to take. it made me wonder what lengths I would go to to help a friend who put off an illegal abortion until she was almost 5 months pregnant (see title).
I thought this was a comedy but it was pretty much anything but. Ryan Reynolds, married to popular-in-college Emily Mortimer, a proud father of their precocious little girl, misses a ferry and uses the occasion to kiss a blond hussy, cause traffic accidents, and whine about the truth he discovers about his 'perfect family.' kind of boring.
I'm a fan of Michel Gondry and Mos Def and, obviously, a movie lover, so I had expectations for this one that definitely weren't met. unfortunately, it was just kind of dumb. good idea, mediocre execution.
I think I would have enjoyed this movie more had I known going in that there was a trick/twist to it. otherwise it's just really boring and contrived. or maybe it is anyway. Uma Thurman and Evan Rachel Wood are pretty. maybe the book is better.
for once, a movie with no funny jokes in the previews but plenty of entertaining stuff in the actual movie. Zohan's opening swagger through the beaches of Tel Aviv made me smile, and the whole thing is so benign yet outrageous that it turns out to be incredibly charming. I always love to see Chris Rock in a cameo, and Mariah Carey's scene was great, it made no sense.
yawn. no, seriously, with Ed Norton and Tim Roth in the leading roles, there couldn't be a little character development? witty dialogue? suspense? the scenery was the best part, especially in Brazil. altough I amused myself during the dull fight scene by looking at different stores on Toronto streets. one more summer blockbuster down.
I know there's nothing new about a disappointing Woody Allen movie, but I still keep hoping. for one thing, who could possibly believe that Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell are brothers? Colin Farrell kind of reminds me of Colin Farrell in In Bruges, but not nearly as interesting or entertaining. In case you're wondering, Tom Wilkinson plays the inevitable Woody Allen character.
Woody Harrelson is a gay socialite who hangs out with rich ladies. then someone dies. at the end, the murderer is revealed. or is he/she? if you saw this movie and understood the ending, please tell me what happened because I watched the whole thing without blinking and I still have no idea. thanks.
this movie has 4 parts - happiness, pleasure, sorrow, and love. it also has a lot of interesting people in it - Forrest Whitaker, Emile Hirsch, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Brendan Fraser, Julie Delpy, Kevin Bacon, to name a few. unfortunately, it's a very poorly written, violent, and senseless movie about an obnoxious ganster named Fingers who controls everyone around him, bringing them misery or death. so there you have it.
love it or hate it, that's all you can do. it's materialistic, over the top, exasperating, superficial, predictable, and capable of bringing more than one tear to the eye, if you're a sucker for that kind of thing. I am.
part of the Ellen Page film festival. here she is a runaway that hooks up with a van of street people and junkies. they live on a commune, shave their heads, throw people in pits, and have sex with their leader. based on the director's own experiences. hard to resist, isn't it?